So, once again, apologies for the long gap between entries.
A variety of reasons go into why I haven’t written in a month. A lot has been
going on with school starting up, a writing conference, and travel (case in
point – I’ve been trying to write this entry for two weeks, and things/people
keep getting in the way!). Mainly, though, it’s because not much has happened
with the pregnancy. It has been an uneventful pregnancy thus far, so there
hasn’t been much to write about – I’m pretty sure no one wants to read yet
another entry about how I worry about the pregnancy because it’s uneventful! Most people would tell me to get over
myself and be grateful. And they’re right, of course, but I can’t help
imagining that somehow the babies are gone because I’m not feeling much of
In the last month, though, I did take the twins on an Alaska
cruise, which was nice. It was a trip that Mom and I always wanted to take. I
missed having her there, of course, but I really enjoyed it. I decided to go as
a 40th birthday trip once Dr. W. said that I had to be sure to do
any travel before the end of September. Figured it would be the last trip I got
to take while the kids were still inside! Just days after I got back, I
celebrated my birthday. Keith came down to the City, since it was the last
birthday I’d get to celebrate as a Manhattanite. We went to the Atlantic Grill, which was a place I’d been wanting to try for a while. It didn’t
The next day was my birthday party, at Rory Dolan’s (of course!). We had a nice crowd of mostly family and a few friends. Once we got
everyone seated and liquored up, I made the big announcement. This is more or
less what I said after thanking everyone for coming:
“I know that we told you that this was not a surprise party,
but there is a surprise tonight. On February 7th, which most of you
will remember is the anniversary of my mom’s passing, I’m expecting twins.”
At that point there were shrieks – actual shrieks – of
surprise. But as I looked quickly around the room, I saw that the surprise was
mixed with happiness. Although shocked, people didn’t seem scandalized. They
seemed genuinely happy to hear the news.
I went on to say, “Now I do believe we have some smelling
salts around if anyone needs it. Just to answer some questions that I’m sure
people have – Yes, I just said what you think I said. No, I’m not involved with
anyone. I’m doing this on my own with the aid of modern medicine. And if anyone
would like to learn more, I have cards here with the address of my blog. And,
yes, this is the main reason why I’m moving out of the City. Finally, apologies
to anyone who has asked me recently what I’ve been up to, and I’ve just said,
‘Oh, nothing!’”
Then I went table to table. Again, everyone seemed really
excited. Some of my dad’s cousins were happy to know that the kids would be
Clearys, because we don’t have too many Clearys left (that carry the last name,
I mean). One of my cousins did sayt hat if they had known beforehand that it
would have been easier to shop for a gift. But, hey, that night was my night.
Baby gifts can come later! J
My mom’s cousin did try to fix me up with someone, but Keith told me that she
had been talking about that before the announcement, so it wasn’t directly
Overall, I was pleased, and relieved, by the response. Any
fears that I had that people would be scandalized seem to be unfounded.
Certainly they were shocked – it was not at all what anyone was expecting me to
announce at my birthday. If anyone was scandalized, they hid it well. It turned
out to be a really special moment, more so than I could have imagined.
When I got home that night, it was time for the Facebook
reveal. Anyone who knows me knows that I don’t like to do things the plain and
ordinary way. What’s the fun in that? So, I made a film trailer, in the style
of an adventure film, to announce the pregnancy. It can be viewed here:
I got a great response to the trailer. Again, people were
shocked. Beyond the small group that has been along for the ride with me this
past year, no one could have guessed what I’ve been working toward. But again, the
reactions were incredibly positive, and people liked the idea of the trailer as
an announcement.
It’s nice to have it all in the open now, and to know I have
the support of my friends and family. I hated lying, even if by omission (as I
say in my lie detecting lessons – withholding information is still a lie!). So
that’s some stress lifted. Now I can just relax and enjoy the next few months.
Oh, yeah, right, I’m me. I don’t do relaxed. OK, so now I can focus instead on just
selling my apartment, moving, getting an agent, starting a new Master’s
program, and being pregnant with twins. Eh, nothing I can’t handle!