Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Day Three Bloodwork

So, without getting too graphic, one of the things you need to do when planning an IUI cycle is to get bloodwork done on Day 3 of your cycle. It tests for the hormones Estradiol, Progesterone, FSH (Follicle Stimulating Hormone), which helps determine if the ovaries are working, and LH  (Luteinizing Hormone), which triggers ovulation. If the levels are all right, then you'll be in decent shape to do an IUI cycle that month. The tests also give a sense of your egg reserves. The nurse explained it to me like this, "It will tell us how close to the cliff of infertility you are, but not how fast you'll get there." But, if I had low egg reserves, then we'd want to start right away.

So, I decided to do the tests this month, even though I am not doing my first cycle until next month. I wanted to get a baseline so I'd know what to expect next month. I also did diagnostic bloodwork to get my blood type (two surgeries and I still don't know!), as well as immunities to chicken pox and measles, and whether I'm CMV (Cytomegalovirus) positive or negative. It's essentially an autoimmune issue, and can be passed on to a baby in utero. If I'm positive, I have to choose only donors that are negative. If I'm negative, I can choose donors who are either positive or negative.

Anyway, bloodwork was today at 7:30 AM. Brilliant, considering I'm in the midst of "Film School Death Match" - a one-week intensive filmmaking class at New York Film Academy. Great class, but it's like 12 hours a day. And I didn't need to add an extra hour! We did a whole day of filming on the streets of NYC afterward. Later, I got the hormone test results, and everything is fine, which was good to hear. I have to wait until Monday for the rest of the results. But, then I'll have my baseline, which will set me up for next month.

In the meantime? Well, I've narrowed things down to two cryobanks - California Cryobank and Fairfax Cryobank. This weekend, I'll start browsing donor listings. And then, on August 3rd, I'm having my donor party! Excited about this. Looking forward to sharing the experience with my friends. So much about this will be lonely, so it's nice to have people to share certain aspects of it. Will right about the party afterwards!

Now it's bedtime, because we're filming in the 95+ degree heat again tomorrow! :)

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