Well, as detailed in my last post, I have a bit of a brown
thumb when it comes to growing things. But, all is not lost. On Tuesday, I went
in for Egg Retrieval for the IVF, and we ended up with the predicted two eggs.
Not exactly a bumper crop, but at least something came of the harvest. Of
course, that was only the beginning. I still needed to wait and see if either
of the eggs made it to a healthy embryo, after mixing and mingling with James
Bond. The average rate of fertilization is about 50%, but with only two, it was
a long shot.
All night Tuesday I tossed and turned, and I was a basket
case on Wednesday, just hoping I could manage one embryo, especially given that
this may be the best that I can do. I pretty much felt physically ill through
my first couple of classes on Wednesday. Finally, I got the call during my 1:00
class. I had it on vibrate and did not answer, since I was teaching, but I
heard it vibrate and really couldn’t focus anymore on Elements of Drama. I
finally let the kids go fifteen minutes early, and went outside to check the
And it’s all for one and one for all! I have one embryo. And
yes, one is all I need (twins are even still a possibility as the embryo could
still split after transfer). But I am still a bit of a basket case, I guess.
Because I worry that something will happen to the embryo, or it won’t develop
well, before Sunday’s transfer. I know, I know. But what can I say? I’m not
happy unless I’m worrying about something. Two more days of worrying about
whether the embryo will make it to transfer stage. Then, Sunday, I get to worry
about the discomfort associated with the transfer (there’s been debate over
taking a valium or no – I prefer no).
Then, of course, the worry shifts again. I get to worry for
about a week and a half more before they do a pregnancy test to see if all of
this worked. In the meantime, I get to keep jabbing myself, only this time,
it’s not in the belly – it’s in the bum, with Progesterone. Never say I’m not
committed to this plan – what says commitment more than baring your bum for a
nurse you just met to draw black circles on it with a Sharpie? Gotta say, my flexibility
is worse than I thought – reaching back there with a needle is no easy task! Oh,
and the needles are massive! Well, two more days of jabs, then transfer. Then
more jabs. On so on, and so on…
Oh, and despite my brown thumb when it comes to growing
things, rest assured, I do not worry that it will carry over into the actual
raising of the child (just through gestation). After all, Cali and Brooke are
still here!
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